About RTI rodneyhoganii August 23, 2024

About RTI

With a strong commitment to health, safety, and environmental stewardship, RTI continues to set industry standards, ensuring healthcare workers’ safety and contributing to sustainable workplace environment efforts.

At RTI, we are driven by innovation and a commitment to health, safety, and environmental stewardship. Our mission is to reduce the worldwide spread of infectious diseases by providing safe, reliable medical devices. Over the years, we have expanded our product offerings to include a range of syringes, blood collection devices, and IV catheters, all designed with the same focus on safety and efficiency.

Through innovation, education, and the development of safe and reliable medical devices, Retractable Technologies, Inc. strives to be a catalyst in reducing the worldwide spread of infectious disease.

A Message From Our CEO

In the late 1980’s I was witnessing the deterioration and loss of two dear friends from AIDS. Around the same time, I saw a doctor give an interview regarding needlestick injuries claiming engineers do not care about the safety of healthcare workers. I was moved to action, I visited my local pharmacy to pick up traditional syringes, acquired a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and have been on a relentless fight to provide clinicians with the safe needle products they need to give them a safe work environment. Eighty percent of America’s leading hospitals now use automated retraction, which is the only safety-engineered technology that effectively reduces needlestick injuries. Unfortunately, in many facilities nurses still blame themselves for needlesticks that occur with poorly engineered devices. There is a simple explanation of why RTI out-designed and out performed the world’s largest and oldest syringe manufacturers. They were designing add-on safety attachments to protect their existing manufacturing equipment, while we, worked with clinicians across the nation to develop a safety product from scratch to truly protect America’s dedicated healthcare workers.

Thanks to the more than 30 years of dedication of some 150 employees in the small town of Little Elm, Texas, RTI is now the world leader in the design and manufacture of effective safety needle products. However, our job is not done until every clinician can go to the cabinet or drawer and grab any product confidently assured that it is designed with safety first and the goal that they will be able to work their entire career without experiencing a single needlestick.

Thomas Shaw | CEO

American Invented, Funded & Manufactured
RTI is a proud American company that built itself from the ground up. Our products were developed in America, our manufacturing sites were built in America, and our contributions to healthcare started in America. From its inception, RTI has been committed to producing innovative medical devices, ensuring the highest quality standards while creating jobs in our economy. The groundbreaking retractable syringe technology was developed by local innovators and is produced in our top-of-the-line manufacturing facility in Little Elm, Texas. RTI’s operations are deeply rooted in the American spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation, making us a true representative of American ingenuity and manufacturing excellence.
RTI is the World Leader in the Design and Manufacture of Effective Safety Needle Products

1.2 Billion

Syringes provided

for COVID-19 Immunizations.

8 of 10

Eight of the Top 10

U.S. hospitals* use VanishPoint Technology


Facilities protect

their nurses with our technology.

Asserts Awards2
Asserts Awards3
Asserts Awards4
"VanishPoint devices are clearly the gold standard in retractable syringes."
Frost & Sullivan
U.S. Government Contracts

RTI has secured significant contracts with the U.S. government, particularly with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Notably, we provided VanishPoint syringes during the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009 and again during the COVID-19 pandemic. These contracts highlight our ability to meet the rigorous standards and large-scale demands required by federal agencies​.

Committed to the Mission

RTI is focused on reducing healthcare related exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Our solutions are based on engineering controls—devices that effectively reduce the risk of exposure associated with needlestick injury and device reuse. Unfortunately, healthcare worker access to innovative products is often limited by contracts and entrenched market interests. RTI has battled—and continues to battle—to provide safe, innovative products to healthcare workers.

RTI is an eco-friendly company committed to sustainable and environmentally responsible practices.

From recycling the excess plastic our production makes, to beehives on our campus, to incorporating environmental efficiency, we make sustainability part of our daily lives.

Mission Statement

To build a model corporation for employees, customers, community, and shareholders based on performance, pride, and profit; To set a standard for excellence, effectiveness, and integrity in selling and delivering our products; and to establish mutually beneficial relationships with other companies who share our overall vision.